Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year!

I hope you all had a wonderful holiday! I had a lovely time with the hubby and friends watching movies and playing Rummikub. We did the same last year and hope to have the opportunity to do it again next.

So now it's another year. According to doomsayers, who rarely change their tune, we're all going to die this year because people who've been long dead themselves said so. I wouldn't listen to them, I mean look at their luck...

I'm not one who likes New Years Resolutions. I think that, during the course of the year, you should reflect on what you're doing and if a change needs to be made, just do it. Why wait until the end of the year to change your habits when you can carpe diem and make yourself better now? So with that in mind, I began implementing some changes when I happened to have time during December, and I've never felt better. So here's a list of some things that I've started implementing, and some new things that I'd like to change to make life a little better. Hopefully it will alleviate stress rather than create it:

~Write a page daily in my real journal. The current one I began almost 5 years ago, which is shameful to my standards that I haven't finished it much MUCH sooner.

~I set a goal on to read 60 books for leisure this year. That translates to 5 books per month, which I don't think is too unreasonable.

~Get involved more with my church, attend more often than I did last year, and contribute more financially.

~Update this blog at least once per week, posting reviews of books or just random posts.

~Keep up posting quotes of my favorite books on tumblr.

~Continue exercising 4-5 times per week and lose at least 20 pounds this year.

~Spend more time with family and call both my parents and my mother-in-law more at least every-other week.

~Eat better - fast food at a maximum of 4x per month.

~Spend more time with friends, not only when people need something from me (or I from them.)

I think these are all things that aren't very difficult and are easily attainable. Plus, I think they'll make daily life more enjoyable in general. What are some things that you would like to change? Did you make a resolution last year that you kept or attained? Tell me about it, I'd love to hear.



  1. Some of the things I'll be working on about myself in 2012 are the following; to be less judgmental and self centered. I'd also like to worry not as often and be happier. And getting money from other sources besides the government would be nice too.

  2. Thanks for the comment, Dave! One thing I've learned while being a teacher is that if I want to "grade" something, it needs to be defined, measurable, and attainable. As long as you have those boundaries for your "resolutions" and you stick to them, things should go well. Good luck to you!
